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Frequently Asked Questions


What will happen if I ignore a parking charge?

If the Parking Charge is ignored and no payment is received, then further action could be taken which may include a referral to a Credit Reference Agency, the instruction of solicitors to secure immediate payment, a referral to debt recovery, or the issuance of court proceedings, all of which will incur further costs. If you wish to appeal a Parking Charge, we recommend you lodge an appeal as soon as you receive the Parking Change Notice.


How do I locate my reference number?

Youc an locate your refernece number at the top of the PCN.


Why have I received a Parking Charge?

Receiving a parking charge often results from not adhering to the specific terms and conditions set by a car park’s management, such as overstaying the allotted time or parking incorrectly.


Why is car park management required?

Nunc et feugiat purus. Duis pretium quis nisl cursus molestie. Pellentesque nec velit ac odio elementum tincidunt vitae id eros. Nulla facilisi.


What is POPLA?

Quisque egestas tellus nec nunc volutpat malesuada. Suspendisse semper, mi a iaculis convallis, nisi erat mollis dui, non vestibulum odio nunc eget erat.


My appeal has been rejected and I would like to appeal to POPLA, how do I do this?

If your initial appeal is rejected and you want to take your case to POPLA, you usually need to request a unique appeal code from the parking company that issued your charge, then submit your appeal to POPLA following their guidelines.

Need help at your car park?

Contact us via the contact form or use the booking on the button on the right to pay a pcn.

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